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Multi User Certifications

IAFST University supports the Certification process for an infinite level of Contractors ascribed to a unique firm. Our boutique  platform ensures you get what you need when you need it.

Trackable Certifications

The ability to instantaneously verify Certifications throughout the Industry Ecosystem with VendorPro. Unique embeddable identifiers for NFC issued to compliment ID lanyard cards.

Enterprise Discounting

With pools of fifteen or more, IAFST University offers discounting from our already rock bottom pricing. Our goal is to foster a Certified Contractor Network without creating financial distress.

The Mortgage Field Services Industry is comprised of a diverse Labor Group. It requires up-to-date information to power a real time world. IAFST University does not burden our students with data that they will never use. Our Apprentice – Journeyman – Master levels ensure that they receive precisely what they need, when they need it.

At the Enterprise level, all facets of Contractors apply on a daily basis. IAFST University ensures that when the IAFST Seal has been issued, the Clients are confident that their services will be completed in a competent and professional manner.

Based on a combined total of 75 years of Mortgage Field Services training and education, IAFST University is the logical Enterprise Solution.

Whether it be our unique assortment of proprietary Remote Access Learning (RAL); our Continuing Education and Refresher (CER) curriculum; or our comprehensive In Field Training (IFT), IAFST University has you covered.

For nearly a decade, the IAFST Trade Association has liaised with Financial Institutions, Investors, and US Government Agencies to build state of the art education. Years of asking the right questions of the correct authorities has allowed IAFST University to become the a Leading Education Provider for the Industry.

Avoid all of the financial burden and noise in the market today. Make IAFST University your Enterprise choice!