Field Service Technician Apprenticeship

- Description
- Curriculum
- Notice

The primary goal of the Field Service Apprenticeship course is to give you a basic understanding of the Inspection process. This is a prerequisite course for any CTDL Certifications and registration is contingent upon successful completion of The Work Order curriculum.
Core Competencies
- Understanding Field Service Technician Terminology and reporting upon such;
- Determining Occupancy Status and properly documenting such;
- Performing Real Time Assessments and shielding Client liability;
- Properly documenting photographic history based upon unique Client needs;
- Building initial Asset Property Inspection Reports for Client; and
- Chronicling occupancy, progress, and safety issues for Client
What is the target audience?
- This is an Apprentice level Module
- The Work Order Module is a prerequisite
- This Module is a prerequisite for all Inspector Journeyman and Master Certifications
The skillsets required for a Field Service Technician are fundamentally based upon a high school diploma or a GED equivalent. Proficiency in the English language are mandatory. Familiarity with a Windows based desktop computer system combined with the ability to operate a smartphone are required. Attention to detail is a core component of becoming a Field Service Technician.
7Overview of Lawn Mowers
Types of Lawn Mowers
8Overview of Blowers and Weed Eaters
Blowers and weed eaters.
9Power Equipment Safety
Proper use of gasoline and battery operated equipment.
10You Don't Need a Million Dollar Mower
Lawn Maintenance Basics
11Lawn Maintenance SafetyLawn Safety Quiz
12Shrub Maintenance
Basic shrub maintenance
16Types of Winterizations
Types and applications of winterizations.
17Draining a Toilet
18Blowing the Lines
19The Winterization
Actual winterization.
20Applications For The WinterizationWinterization applications quiz
21Uncommon Water Heater
An Uncommon Water Heater
22De Winterization
Dewinterization process
New session opens 15 November 2024. If you would like a discount, reach out to your Client for their Enterprise Code.